
Int. Culture and Economic Forum Linz

Linz as the European City of Culture 2009, and Upper Austria as an important industrial location with a high export share, offer ideal prerequisites for an innovative platform between the economy, politics and culture. Against this background, the IKW – the International Culture & Economic  Forum Linz – was founded in 2013 to create a network between these three areas.

It has its base at the Brucknerhaus in Linz, the president is Dr. Christoph Leitl and the other member of the board is the managing director of the LIVA and artistic director of the Brucknerhaus, Mag. Dietmar Kerschbaum. Among the members of the IKW are renowned and successful companies which value Upper Austria as a business location, not least because of the abundance and variety of its cultural life. Through their membership fees they help to promote an exchange between economics, politics and culture and at the same time support particular Brucknerhaus projects.

These are the particular concerns of the IKW:

Developing the Bruckner brand
With special regard to the approaching Bruckner jubilee in 2024 (200th birthday), Anton Bruckner is to be established as a brand and the charisma of the Bruckner city Linz and the Bruckner state Upper Austria to be further developed by means of the Bruckner brand. To this end the Brucknerhaus will act as a co-operation partner in internationally relevant projects connected to Bruckner and export the International Bruckner Festival to other countries.

Location promotion by means of exclusive accompanying events with artists and representatives of the economy, politics and diplomacy.

Targeted co-operations with important cultural institutions in the region

Lectures by experts
Technological revolutions, changes in the demographic and social structure as well as consumer and leisure behaviour present great challenges in the political, economic and cultural fields. These themes are to be the subject of lectures by experts, and problem-oriented suggestions for solving the problems will be put up for discussion.

Youth promotion
Apprentices and their masters, students and their professors will be invited to concerts. They will have the opportunity to take part in the introduction to a concert and to discuss their feelings and reactions afterwards.


International Culture & Economic Forum Linz
c/o Brucknerhaus Linz
Untere Donaulände 7
4010 Linz
+43 (0) 732 76 12 20 27